Episode Title:
Genie for a Day / Zac the Clueless Detective
Episode Description:
Genie for a Day:The girls visit the marketplace to shop for blue roses though find that they are sold out (after Zeta purchased them all as ingredients for a potion). Leah wishes for some blue roses and Shimmer summons a large amount of them. Shimmer admits how much she enjoys granting wishes which causes Leah to wish to be a genie for a day so she can grant wishes to make others happy. As a result, Leah temporarily gains the ability to fly and grant wishes. However she asks Shimmer and Shine to let her do things on her own. They give her a genie bottle which Zeta uses a potion to obtain...
Zac the Clueless Detective:When Zac thinks the girls are missing, he plays detective and goes on a search with Kaz. However when Zac attempts to lure out a hot dog burglar he believes the girls are searching for, he ends up attracting a bear who wants the hot dogs that Zac and Kaz are using as bait for the burglar. Fortunately, the girls manage to save them from the hungry bear.